Below are pairings that I either have attempted already or ones that I have plans to breed together. When I do a breeding it doesn't mean that she will become pregnant. A female must be around 5 weeks pregnant for me to confirm pregnancy. Even after that, other complications can occur that cause her to lose her babies. Next to each pairing I will detail if "a breeding is confirmed", "a pregnancy is confirmed", or if this is a "planned pairing".
- Breeding is confirmed- means a breeding was witnesses.
-Pregnancy is confirmed- means her belly is starting to get big enough that I can convinced she is pregnant.
-Planned pairing- simply means I intend to breed these two at some point. I may given an approximate date.
-Being housed together- While there are some queens that can be placed with a male and a breeding will occur, many queens (especially my early generation) need to be housed with a male, given time to bond to him, and then they may be bred. Because they have small litters it can be difficult for me to know they are pregnant. Sometimes I cannot tell until they are only a week away from delivering.
- Breeding is confirmed- means a breeding was witnesses.
-Pregnancy is confirmed- means her belly is starting to get big enough that I can convinced she is pregnant.
-Planned pairing- simply means I intend to breed these two at some point. I may given an approximate date.
-Being housed together- While there are some queens that can be placed with a male and a breeding will occur, many queens (especially my early generation) need to be housed with a male, given time to bond to him, and then they may be bred. Because they have small litters it can be difficult for me to know they are pregnant. Sometimes I cannot tell until they are only a week away from delivering.